Our Impact
1,000 monarch garden kits were sent to schools across the central flyway to help provide food and breeding areas for declining monarch populations.
• Since 2017 – 1,500 schools
25,000 children participated in planting gardens over 2 years. 79% of schools not only planted their starter kits but also added native plants.
Explore content to learn more about KidsGardening and how to create your own habitat garden at home.
KidsGardening, founded in 1982, is a national nonprofit organization creating opportunities for kids to play, learn, and grow through gardening. They provide grants and original educational materials to more than 2.6 million kids across the country. In 2021 they launched The KidsGarden Community. The Community is a free, central location for direct learning and networking for anyone gardening with children.
Visit www.kidsgardening.org for more information.